manuka honey recipe

Spicy Roasted Nuts with Honey

roasted nuts spiced with manuka honey

⏱ Preparation time: 10 minutes

⏱ Cooking time: 20 minutes


2 cups of nuts

2 tablespoons of butter

3 tablespoons of honey (we used UMF 5+ Manuka honey)

1 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon of salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C (fan assisted)

  2. Mix the spices and salt in a small bowl

  3. Melt the honey and butter together in a saucepan

  4. Add the spice mixture and nuts to the melted honey and butter, making sure all the nuts are well coated.

  5. On a lined tray, add the spiced nuts evenly distributed, cook for 20 minutes or until roasted, stirring every 5 minutes.

 honeyed nuts

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